Churn vs Raaft

1. Design control

Ability to Fully Customize Look & Feel:

No added development time. You can build your first Raaft retention flow and have it live on your site in 15 minutes. Just a few code snippets to copy over and the rest can be managed by your customer success or product management team.‍


Mobile & Desktop Friendly:

A majority of Saas users are primarily using a mobile device to perform online activities. It is critical to keep up with this trend and offer a quality experience from any mobile device.


Full Control Over Text:

Many software companies, like yours, have their own syntax and lexicons. An integral aspect of churn reduction involves providing a quality user experience and clear and consistent labeling. Having full control over the text presented to the customer is paramount.


Customer UI:

What does your user see when they cancel? Curating this experience can make the difference from a happy customer and a churning customer. Picking the customer's user experiences from a list of options is not enough to have control. Your Saas needs an intelligent wizard that allows you to personalized offers.


2. Churn reduction features


Raaft helps you collect feedback from every canceling customer. We collect 2 types of feedback: 1) Motivators - customers select from a list of choices the main reason they are canceling. 2) Free Text - this type of feedback allows the user to freely expand on any additional reasons for their cancellation. Together, this two piece of data allows you to zero in on how you can go about retaining more customers.


Retention Offers (detours):

Raaft makes it simple to respond to your customer's objections. After identifying their primary motivator, you can present your customer with a reason to stay.


Unlimited Win-backs (saves):

Many of our competitors charge more based on how many customers they help ‘win-back’ or stop their churn. We want to reward this action by offering unlimited win-backs.


  • Raaft: Yes
  • Burn Churn: Yes
  • Less Churn: 10/free | 20/$39/month | Unlimited/$149/month

Incomplete Survey Notifications:

A critical part of the process is when the exit survey is being delivered. Many Churn Reduction Software platforms do not notify you when this process is incomplete. Raaft alerts you of this action so you can take the appropriate steps to keep the customer.


Real-Time Analytics:

Raaft collects all of your customer data and feedback and shows it to you with insights in a simple dashboard. You'll know things like:

  • Who is considering canceling
  • Who has canceled
  • Why they're canceled
  • What offers are keeping people around


3. Pricing

Price Structure:

There are several ways in which Churn Reduction Software companies structure their pricing. Raaft prefers an unlimited approach to allow for freedom to operate in a way that will benefit your company and customers the most.



Flat rate pricing allows you to focus on keeping your customers happy and not distracted by limits and overages.


  • Raaft: FREE unlimited
  • Burn Churn: $39/month < $10k MMR | $99/month $10-$25k MMR | and up...
  • Less Churn: Growth/$39/month or Enterprise/$149/month

Free Trial:

Before making a commitment to a Churn Reduction Software solution, you should be able to take it for a spin to determine if it is a good fit for your Saas. If you're interested to see if Raaft could work for you, you can schedule a demo with us and we'd be happy to answer all your questions and help you get set up.


4. Operations & support

Team Access:

Multiple members of your team can be added to your account to view stats and feedback and to manage the flow.


  • Raaft: Up to 10
  • Burn Churn: No
  • Less Churn: No

Onboarding / Support:

Using a state-of-the-art, intelligent customer support tool is a stable of most Saas companies. Raaft is no exception. We provide comprehensive onboarding and continued support during the life of your subscription. We are here to help! Raaft is available via phone, email, and chats to get you up and running quickly.



Raaft keeps your content secure with our full suite of security measures. You can deploy Raaft on any platform regardless of the level of existing security and Raaft’s content will also be secure and your Saas.


  • Raaft:
  • Burn Churn:
  • Less Churn:

Processors integration:

Raaft works with the most popular and trusted payment processors to handle your subscriptions. Raaft also has a Zapier integration so you can do exactly what you want with the data that Raaft collects.


  • Raaft: Stripe, Braintree, Recurly, and Zapier (700+ possible integrations)
  • Burn Churn: Stripe and Zapier
  • Less Churn: Stripe, Braintree, and Zapier

Stripe Verified Partner:

The Stripe Partner Program is designed to help Raaft build new experiences, launch faster, and stay on top of update and trends affecting Saas’. We help keep our customers remain compliant by performing our due diligence and focusing on valuable partners.


  • Raaft: Yes
  • Burn Churn: No
  • Less Churn: No
Adam Crookes
Written byAdam Crookes
Reviewed byMiguel Marques

📢 Why Listen to Me?I work with both bootstrapped and VC-backed SaaS companies to develop scalable inbound marketing strategies.

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